Ask The Home Organizer Your Questions About Organizing Life

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Ask me - the home organizer!!

Have an organizing question about how to organize your life in some way? How to declutter your home? How to organize your closet? How to organize recipes? How to organize your desk?

This is your direct connection to a professional organizer free of charge!

Ask a question, any question, about organizing using the form below.

I'll answer it personally and post the answer here. Be sure to opt-in for the notifications once you submit your question, and you'll be emailed when I have posted a response. Ask away!

**AND if you want to get advice from even more professional organizers, check out this great compilation of answered questions (e.g. How to declutter old baby stuff? What to do with all of the stuff after a divorce? Top 3 tips for organizing paper? and more!) on**

Check out my latest book and bust through that procrastination! Available as a paperback, an audiobook and an ebook on Kindle but NO KINDLE NECESSARY. Enjoy!

Have An Organizing Question?

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see questions from other visitors answered...

I need help with garage organization! 
We have a very large garage and when we built the house we should have put the garage door on the side of the house instead of the front. By having it …

Help, I think im living with a hoarder 
My husbands buying got out of hand with Covid. He’s defensive every time I bring up organizing or purchasing less. I don’t know how to help or make him …

How do I figure out giving everything a home? Not rated yet
Question: I've read lots of books on organizing, but I need help on where to put things in my house. There's a place for everything and everything …

How can I repurpose an old desk? Not rated yet
Question: I have a heavy desk with 6 drawers that is not being used. Do you have any ideas as to how I can reuse it? Answer: Absolutely! First …

How do you make a boutique with lots of things look organized and not so cluttered? Not rated yet
Question We have a clothing boutique with purses, clothes, shoes, jewelry etc. It seems to look a little cluttered. Things are all over the place, and …

How can I use stacking drawers for cassettes in a new way? Not rated yet
Question I have some cassette stacking drawers. I was wondering what else I could use them for before I throw them away. Answer Great question! …

Any special advice for freshman college students moving into a dorm? Not rated yet
I've read all of the lists and web sites making recommendations on what to bring, but thought you may have some organizational advice or tips for living …

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