
by Arline & Ben Guefen
(Houston, TX)

Under the Bathroom Sink - BEFORE

Under the Bathroom Sink - BEFORE

After a visit to a very organized home, we were impressed and inspired. Everything was in its place, nice and neat, and every available space was used well.

We realized then, how much could be done in our home. We visited The Container Store with a professional organizer who showed us a variety of items that we could utilize.

When we got home, we took measurements of the areas that needed organizing and ordered the appropriate products. The next day we picked up the goodies and haven't looked back.

We sorted our items and put like with like, and then used the organizing products to store them.

After we finished, we realized how much easier our lives have become. We know where things are and finding items is a breeze!

Thanks for the inspiration and help Nealey!

-Arline & Ben Guefen

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Jan 11, 2012
What A Transformation!
by: Anonymous

Wow! Your pictures say it all. Being organized looks good, feels good and sounds good!

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